Tag Archives: Plato

  • Atlantis in Sea

    Atlantis: Times of Great Transformation

    Atlantis: A Rich History Atlantis... it captures the imagination. It is also called the Sunken Island or the Sunken City. Atlantis was inhabited by an ancient civilization, the Atlanteans. The Greek philosopher Plato wrote about the island 350 years BC. Plato is considered to be the one who passed on the story of Atlantis. Back [...] More
  • Spiritual Meaning of the Platonic Solids

    The Spiritual Meaning of the Platonic Solids

    In this blog we'll dive into the Spiritual Meaning of the Platonic Solids. Since Sacred Geometry has a positive energetic effect on us, so do the Platonic Solids. Each and every Platonic Solid can assist you in a different way on your spiritual path, but they all have one thing in common. They’re the most [...] More
  • Platonic Solids as Building Blocks

    Platonic Solids as Building blocks

    Like we’ve mentioned in our Platonic Solids Blog, the Platonic Solids are the building blocks of our Physical Reality. And the amazing thing is, these building blocks apply on almost every scale, from the microcosm up to the macrocosm. Just like Thoth once said: “As Above, So Below”. We’ll take you on a journey from [...] More
  • Platonic Solids Dodecahedron in Nature

    The Secrets of the Platonic Solids and Sacred Geometry

    You might have heard of them before, the Platonic Solids. Mysterious shapes which every Sacred Geometer talks about. We even shortly mentioned them in our first Sacred Geometry blog. But what are they really? What kind of secrets do they hold? In this multi-part blog we’ll unfold the secrets of the Platonic Solids. Let’s dive [...] More
  • What makes Sacred Geometry so Sacred?

    What makes Sacred Geometry so sacred?

    Geometry is just geometry, isn't it? Why is there a distinction between geometries? What makes Sacred Geometry so sacred? In mathematics you can go in any direction with geometry, but every geometrical figure is created from a base. Actually, everything originates from a certain basis. Sacred geometry is the basis of everything that is. Everything? [...] More
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