In our Numerology blog we've explained how Numbers are connected to Sacred Geometry. We've mainly talked about the magical Number 9. But we haven't brought the Secrets of Number 13 to light. So that's what we'll do in this blog. Let's dive in! Number 13 and Bad luck Most people know number 13 as the [...]
The Secrets of Number 13 and Sacred Geometry
Platonic Solids as Building blocks
Like we’ve mentioned in our Platonic Solids Blog, the Platonic Solids are the building blocks of our Physical Reality. And the amazing thing is, these building blocks apply on almost every scale, from the microcosm up to the macrocosm. Just like Thoth once said: “As Above, So Below”. We’ll take you on a journey from [...] More -
Sacred Geometry: Our Logo
Designing a logo can be quite a challenge. But a logo with Sacred Geometry in it, is next level logo design. Since we’re all about Sacred Geometry, we can’t go without a logo that contains a whole lot of it. Even though our logo looks quite simple (three interlocking triangles), its design process is more [...] More -
4 Fun Facts about Sacred Geometry
Fun Facts, we all love them! So that's why we thought it would be a great idea to list some fun facts about Sacred Geometry! Here's our top 4 Sacred Geometry Fun Facts! fun fact 1 sacred geometry is not a religion One of the biggest myths of Sacred Geometry, is that it is a [...] More -
The link between Sacred Geometry and Numerology
We’ve written a few blogs about Sacred Geometry, explaining the basics of what it is. But there is another phenomenon which is closely linked to Sacred Geometry; Numerology. They go hand in hand. If there is sacred geometry, then there’s always numerology. But what is numerology? In short, it is the study of the relationship [...] More