Designing a logo can be quite a challenge. But a logo with Sacred Geometry in it, is next level logo design. Since we’re all about Sacred Geometry, we can’t go without a logo that contains a whole lot of it. Even though our logo looks quite simple (three interlocking triangles), its design process is more [...]
Sacred Geometry: Our Logo
Shine your Light with this Christmas Gift Guide
It’s finally time. Time to shine as some might say. In this amazing gift guide we'll guide you through some awesome products and services of a couple of companies whom do an amazing job improving other people's lives. Maybe you've noticed that the world is changing, at least we certainly do. The world is slowly [...] More -
Our Legacy to Earth
Planet Earth, a beautiful learning environment with an abundance of variation in life and nature. And that on one planet! She gives us a lot, mainly her minerals, earth and trees. At this moment she is giving more than she gets from us as humanity. We have thought a lot about what we want to [...] More -
5 Ways to Raise Your Frequency and Vibration
“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla A beautiful quote from Nikola Tesla that also applies to our own frequency. Everything around us consists of energy and has its own frequency and vibration. It sends and receives at the same time, [...] More -
Clean your Chakras with Sacred Geometry
Your chakras and aura constantly come into contact with external energies. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, if they wouldn't do so, you wouldn't experience anything anymore. But sometimes those energies aren't always pleasant. Sometimes it may be that certain energies trigger a blockage in you. Your chakras and aura are [...] More -
It’s time for change
If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten. A nice quote that appealed to me a lot recently. To be able to create change you have to do it differently than you always had done. So that the energy can flow in a different direction. We made the [...] More -
4 Fun Facts about Sacred Geometry
Fun Facts, we all love them! So that's why we thought it would be a great idea to list some fun facts about Sacred Geometry! Here's our top 4 Sacred Geometry Fun Facts! fun fact 1 sacred geometry is not a religion One of the biggest myths of Sacred Geometry, is that it is a [...] More -
A lot of knowledge in two circles: The Vesica Piscis – Sacred Geometry
Yep. This whole blog is about two circles. But not just two circles. They overlap and we give it a difficult name: Vesica Piscis! Doesn't sound very exciting, I know. But they contain so much sacred geometry that we can fill a whole blog with it. It's also the first sacred geometric figure to emerge [...] More -
The link between Sacred Geometry and Numerology
We’ve written a few blogs about Sacred Geometry, explaining the basics of what it is. But there is another phenomenon which is closely linked to Sacred Geometry; Numerology. They go hand in hand. If there is sacred geometry, then there’s always numerology. But what is numerology? In short, it is the study of the relationship [...] More